Working with tags

A tag is inline text that is not translatable, for example, HTML code within a sentence. Target segments should have the same tags as the source segment. However, depending on the language,  sometimes a tag is not needed. If you try to save a target segment with missing tags, a warning message appears. Find below an example of a source segment with two tags:


Please contact the hotel for further information at {ut1}{ut2}.


The {ut1} and {ut2} text strings represent tags.


Find below the procedures for the following tasks:

Viewing tags

To view tags:

  1. Follow the steps to open a file from Opening a file.
    The file appears in the Translation window. If a tag exists in the source segment, it will appear in gray by default.

  2. Point to the tag with the mouse.
    The actual text in the tag appears. Find below an example of the popup for the {ut1} tag.


  3. The first tag in the source segment is highlighted in red as soon as the cursor is placed in the target segment.


Copying tags

To copy tags:

  1. Follow the steps to open a file from Opening a file.
    The file appears in the Translation window. If a tag exists in the source segment, it will appear in gray by default.

  2. In the target segment, type the tag as it appears in the source segment, for example {ut1}.


  1. In the source segment, place the cursor before the tag and drag the mouse to select it.

  2. Drag the selected tag to the target segment (drag-and-drop).


  1. In the source segment, place the cursor before the tag and drag the mouse to select it.

  2. Right-click and select Copy or use the Ctrl+C shortcut key to copy the tag.

  3. In the target segment, place the cursor where you want to paste the tag.

  4. Right-click and select Paste or use the Ctrl+V shortcut key to paste the tag.


  1. Select Edit > Tags > Previous Tag / Next Tag or click or or press Alt+Shift+Left / Alt+Shift+Right.
    The tag is highlighted in red and selected. The first tag in a segment is highlighted when the segment is clicked.


  2. If you type the same tag twice, the following error message appears.


  3. If the target segment does not contain tags, the following error message appears.

  1. Place the cursor where you want the tag in the target segment.

  2. Select Edit > Tags > Copy Tag or click or press Alt+Shift+Down and type the characters of the tag.
    The tag appears in the target segment. The next tag in the source segment is selected, and is highlighted in red.

  3. To copy all tags from the source segment to the target segment, click Edit > Tags > Copy Tags in Current Segment or click or press Ctrl+Shift+A.

Editing tags

To edit tags:

  1. Follow the steps to open a file from Opening a file.
    The file appears in the Translation window. If a tags exists in the source segment, it will appear in gray by default.

  2. Place your cursor in the tag's text in the target segment, right click, and select Edit Tag.
    The Edit Tag dialog box appears.


  3. Modify the tag as required and click OK.
    : The tag in the source segment should not be modified. Ensure that the modifications are valid. If not, the TXML file could get corrupted.

Deleting tags

The tag can be deleted only in the target segment. To delete tags, in the target segment place the cursor before the tag and drag the mouse to select it. Right-click and select Cut (or press the Ctrl+X shortcut key or Backspace on your keyboard).


Removing tags in current segment

Tags can be removed only in the target segment.

To remove tags from the target segment:


  1. Select the segment from which you want to remove tags.
    The segment is highlighted in pink.

  2. Click Edit > Tags > Remove tags in current segment.
    Press Ctrl+Shift+V.
    The tags are removed from the current segment.

Removing all tags

Tags can be removed only in the target segment.

To remove all tags in the target segment:

  1. Click Edit > Tags > Remove all tags.
    The following dialog box appears.


  2. Click Yes to confirm and remove all tags from the target segment.