Customizing Shortcuts

Many of the tools of Wordfast can be associated with keyboard shortcuts.

To view the list of available shortcuts and select keyboard shortcuts, navigate to Preferences and then:

  1. Click Shortcuts in the General Preferences group.

    The options list to customize keyboard shortcuts appears for the Application scheme.

  2. Select a scheme from the Scheme drop-down list.
  3. Select a Command from the command list.

    In the example below, the Terminology Highlight shortcut is selected.

    Figure 1. Preferences—Shortcuts (Terminology Highlight)

  4. Select that command to access edit mode.
  5. Press the new sequence of keys Ctrl+Shift+F7 in the Shortcut column.

    In the event that the shortcut key sequence is in use a warning pop-up appears.

    The shortcut key is modified to that specified.


    When changing or creating new shortcut key sequences, the sequence must begin with a Ctrl, Alt, or Shift, or must be a Function key (F1), a combination of these.

  6. Click OK.