Enabling Auto-Propagation

You can choose to propagate translations for segments in the document automatically when you commit a segment to translation memory. The Auto-Propagation option allows you to enable or disable this feature. Enabling the Auto Propagation option will also allow you to leverage previous translation of repetitive content. For more information, refer to Leveraging repetitive content.


To enable Auto-Propagation:

  1. Open Wordfast Pro 3 and click .
    The TXML perspective appears.

  2. Click Edit > Preferences > Translations > Auto-Propagation.
    The Auto-Propagation dialog box appears.


  3. Select Enable autopropagation checkbox to automatically propagate translation based on previous translation completed in the file.

  4. Select Enable autopropagation across all open files to automatically propagate all open files in TXML editor.

  5. Enable the following autopropagation options, if required:


    to overwrite...

    100% matches

    100% translation memory (TM) matches.

    Fuzzy matches

    partial translation memory matched.

    Autopropagated matches

    all autopropagated matches. This means that if there are multiple segments that have the same content then editing one segment will auto propagate the change in all matching segments.

    Modified segments

    edited autopropagated matches. This means that if there are multiple segments that have the same content and the first and second repetitions are edited, then the following matching segments will be updated based on the second segment that was changed.

    Machine Translated segments

    machine translated content.

    Committed segments

    translated content that is committed to the TM.

  1. Click Apply and OK.
    The Auto-Propagation option is enabled.