WFA was operated as a totally free, public utility for 12 years from 2010 until 2022. We take great pride in having served the translation community during that period.
WFA is now available for a modest fee of $9.90/month that makes it far more affordable than any CAT tool with a comparable set of features. Discounts are offered for longer periods, for as low $6.93 / month. This includes optional unlimited neural MT provided by our partner, WordLingo. Your account and the assets in your account (TMs, glossaries, documents, etc.) are preserved for at least 1 year after the expiration of your last credit.
If you already have a valid license for one of our other products (Wordfast Classic, Wordfast Pro, or Wordfast Studio):
- Your have full access to Wordfast Anywhere during the validity period of your other Wordfast product.
To access WFA, simply sign in at
If you already bought credit to Wordfast Anywhere, but it expired, and WFA is "limited" :
- Sign in at
- Click the "renew" button, buy credit. That will restore full access.
In all other cases (older "free" accounts, or first-time users):
- Visit our Buy page, select then buy the $1 WFA introductory offer. That will create your WFA account at
- Once your $1 account is created, you receive credentials to sign in at and access your WFA account from there.
- The first month has no feature limitation. To keep using WFA in full mode after that first month, sign in at, click "renew" to purchase more credit at the regular price.
If you do not renew your credit after it expires, do not worry: your account is preserved and accessible, but WFA temporarily changes to a limited mode (see below).
The Limited Mode starts when your credit expires. It has the following restrictions:
- A monthly 15,000-word limit for translated/edited words. A word counter will be incremented when you commit a segment after translation/edition, if changes were made. Your profile will show that counter.
- No sharing of assets (documents, TMs, glossaries, etc.) to, or from, other users.
- Project creation is limited to "Standard" projects. Pre-existing advanced projects, if you have any, are preserved and can be used, but cannot receive new documents.
This is sufficient for sporadic, low-volume translations, using all features: powerful document conversions, Translation Memory, Terminology support, QA & Transcheck, Machine Translation, Alignment, and much more. When/if the 15,000-word (*) limit is reached before the end of the current month, the limited mode temporarily changes to the basic mode until the end of the current month:
- TMs, Glossaries, will not be available anymore - but will remain untouched (they belong to you!). The relevant ribbon menus & icons will be disabled. Machine Translation will also be disabled.
- Uploading and merging will be prevented for all assets.
- Access to the AutoAligner will not be possible.
- The segment toolbar will be disabled.
This temporarily "basic" mode is designed so that you can still manually complete an unifinished translation job, and/or download it for delivery.
(*) 15,000 words is an average word count for 5 full days of translation.